- Table of Contents & Summary
- Coping Skills
- Making a Difference
- Managing Social Media
- Gaming
- Table of Contents & Summary
- Fear
- Habits
- Heroic
- Identity
- Learning
- Mastery
- Parents
- Planning
- Perseverance and Resilience
- Purpose
- Relationships
- Self-Mastery
- Significance
- Social Media
- Suicide
- Support Network
- Vision
- Miscellaneous
- Author
- Bullying
- Commitment
- Confidence
- Courage
- Curiosity
- Endings – Letting Go
- Failure
Help Your Helpers
This might seem like a weird thing to think about when you are feeling suicidal, but you can actually exert a lot of power in getting the help you need.
Suicide scares people and few have much experience or training in helping people who are suicidal. You will probably be surprised at how many people will want to support you. You may also be surprised at how scared they are of doing or saying the wrong thing or simply not knowing what to do to be supportive.
You Have a Lot of Power to Get What You Need
It may not feel like it, but it’s true. Sometimes it’s just a matter of acting to get help when you don’t feel like it or don’t feel confident. For example, you can simply say to your helpers things like:
- “You don’t have to have the answers.”
- “You don’t even need to know exactly what to do or say.”
- “Just stay with me.”
- “Just help me stay on the rollercoaster and find a way back up.”
- “Just let me know that you care
- “Help me get connected to others (friends, family, clergy, teachers, coaches, neighbors, etc.)”
- “Help me make my world safe – removing things that I might use to hurt myself.”
- “Help me connect to the hotline”
- “Get me to the hospital”
Helping your helpers can be really important. Unless they are trained in how to help someone through suicidal feelings, they are probably wondering what to do – what to say, what actions are OK, and what will make things worse.