Parent-Teenager Relationships

Makeovers and Moving Targets – A Heroic Journey For Everyone

Transitioning Relationships from Parent-Child to Parent-Teenager to Adult-Young Adult
The parent-child relationship develops over 12 years. There is consistent change, but usually nothing dramatic. All of a sudden, that changes because you went from being a child to a teenager with the task of becoming a young adult. You can’t do that in a healthy way if the relationship stays parent-child. But what are parent-teenager relationships supposed to look like? And how do they transition into adult-young adult relationships?

The Central Challenge – Parents Letting Go of Control and Teenagers Taking on Responsibility

This is the central challenge for parents and teenagers during the teenage years. In order for healthy parent-teenager relationships to develop, parents must let go of control and make room for the teenager to take on more responsibility – becoming the author of his or her life. In order to take on the responsibility and have that kind of control over their lives, teenagers must let go of being a child and being taken care of. It’s not easy for either parent or teenager and the relationship competencies noted later will certainly come into play and be tested.