The Heroic Journey of Teenagers
3 Core Challenges
What to Do
Special Topics
- Table of Contents & Summary
- Coping Skills
- Making a Difference
- Managing Social Media
- Gaming
- Table of Contents & Summary
- Fear
- Habits
- Heroic
- Identity
- Learning
- Mastery
- Parents
- Planning
- Perseverance and Resilience
- Purpose
- Relationships
- Self-Mastery
- Significance
- Social Media
- Suicide
- Support Network
- Vision
- Miscellaneous
- Author
- Bullying
- Commitment
- Confidence
- Courage
- Curiosity
- Endings – Letting Go
- Failure
Home > Tough Challenges > Teenage Bullying > The Basics of Bullying > Definition & Types of Bullying
Definition & Types of Bullying
Bullying is really just another form of abuse: it’s about teens using power to control other teens, with the intention to cause harm. Being bullied is hurtful and humiliating. It’s not an accident or joke—it’s a repetitive action that happens to a designated person or group over a period of time.
A lot of teens describe bullying as, “When someone tries to make you feel less about who you are as a person, and you aren’t able to make it stop.”
Strong people don’t put others down. They lift them up.
Michael P.
Three Types of Bullying
(CyberBullying Follows)
There are three basic types of bullying and then there is cyber-bullying. A section on cyber-bullying follows.
Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things:
- Teasing
- Name-calling
- Inappropriate sexual comments
- Taunting
- Threatening to cause harm
Social bullying is sometimes referred to as relational bullying:
- Leaving someone out on purpose
- Telling peers not to be friends with someone
- Gossiping and spreading rumors
- Embarrassing someone in public
Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions (or threatening to):
- Hitting, kicking, or pinching
- Spitting
- Tripping or shoving
- Sexual assault
- Taking or breaking someone’s possessions
Why do we as girls bring down other girls, when we know how hard life can be for girls.